Data Projects


Women’s Rights Compliance Database (WRCD)

The WRCD are coming soon! As part of an NSF-funded project, co-PI Courtney Hillebrecht and I collected data on compliance with recommendations from the WR2D2 data. This new dataset offers nuanced information about state compliance with women’s rights recommendations from three international institutions:  the Convention on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, the European Court of Human Rights and the Universal Periodic Review.  Much of the work measuring compliance considers compliance as a binary outcome or as pertaining to a zero/partial/full scale. Few, if any of the compliance datasets, however, operationalize compliance as a process. The WRCD conceptualizes compliance as a process and codes six categories of compliance: inaction, consideration, delegation, execution, compliance, and no mention.  In addition to providing data on compliance with women’s rights recommendations, this new dataset fully integrates with the Women’s Rights Recommendations Digital Database (described below) and allows scholars to connect data on the quality of recommendations (e.g. level of precision and action) with data on compliance.  By combining these two critical pieces of data, the WR2D2 and the WRCD will advance the existing scholarship on the impact of international human rights institutions long after states’ ratification decisions. 

  • Download Data – Coming Soon!
  • Citation: Haglund, Jillienne, Courtney Hillebrecht, and Hannah Read. “International Human Rights Recommendations at Home: Introducing the Women’s Rights Compliance Database (WRCD).” Conditionally accepted at International Interactions.

Women’s Rights Recommendations Digital Database (WR2D2)

The WR2D2 dataset (collected with co-PI, Courtney Hillebrecht) contains 3,700 recommendations related to women’s rights (violence against women and women’s economic rights) made to 47 European countries from three international women’s rights bodies – the Committee of Ministers of the European Court of Human Rights, the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination Against Women, and from states through the Universal Periodic Review. We also include data on two features of recommendations – the level of precision and the action required by the recommendation. These data are available at the country-year and recommendation-level. Our forthcoming piece in the Journal of Peace Research describes the data, reports descriptive statistics from the dataset, and discusses the multifaceted research agendas that this new dataset can facilitate.

  • Download Data
  • Citation: Haglund, Jillienne and Courtney Hillebrecht. 2020. “Overlapping Human Rights Institutions: Introducing the Women’s Rights Recommendations Digital Database (WR2D2).” 2020. Journal of Peace Research 57(5): 648-657.

Violence Against Women (VAW) Legal Protection Data

The VAW legal protections data (collected with David L. Richards) includes data on the strength of laws addressing four types of violence against women – rape, marital rape, domestic violence, and sexual harassment – in 196 countries from 2007 to 2010. Moving beyond data that merely captures the presence or absence of legal protections, we code the strength of legal protections, from nonexistent/discriminatory, to incomplete in scope, to correlative (other legal protections are applied in practice), to full legal protection. The dataset also includes data on enforcement of VAW legal protections and the level of VAW-related societal discrimination. These data are described in more detail (e.g. coding schemes and rules) in my coauthored book, Violence Against Women and the Law.

  • Download Data
  • Citation: Richards, David L. and Jillienne Haglund. 2015. Violence Against Women and the Law. New York: Routledge.

Ill-Treatment and Torture (ITT) Data Collection Project

The Ill-treatment and Torture (ITT) data provides disaggregated data on torture events globally from 1995-2005. The project codes data on four concepts using Amnesty International (AI) documents: Incidence, Perpetrators, Motive, and Judicial Response. Unlike other data on torture and ill-treatment, which use the country-year as the unit of analysis, the ITT dataset uses the individual allegation as the unit of observation, which increases the number of research questions scholars can pursue related to torture specifically, and respect for physical integrity rights more broadly. I served as a research assistant and project manager during the collection of these data by co-PIs, Courtenay Conrad and Will H. Moore. The data are described in more detail in articles published in International Studies Perspectives and Journal of Peace Research (links in the research tab).

  • Visit ITT Webpage
  • Citation: Conrad, Courtenay, Jillienne Haglund, and Will H. Moore. 2014. “Torture Allegations as Events Data: Introducing the Ill-Treatment and Torture (ITT) Specific Allegation Data.” Journal of Peace Research 51(3): 429-438.